Registration Form Posted by: Dr Raghib Deshmukh in May 17, 2020 0 294 Views Welcome to your Registration Form Salutation (Dr. Mr. Ms.) Full Name Mobile Number (Whats App) Country Your email Gender Your Age Profession Name of College/Institution/Organisation 1. What is Corona? Proton Virus Neutron Electron None 2. Outbreak of Covid-19 occurred at Beijing Wuhan Tokyo Germany None 3. How does the COVID-19 spread? Contact with infected person Touching infected surfaces Touching nose, mouth and eye All of the above None 4. What is the incubation period for COVID-19? 24 Days 14 Days 20 Days 10 Days None 5. For social distancing how much minimum distance is required. 1 feet 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet None 6. Symptoms of COVID 19... Coughs and cold Headache, Cough and body pain Flu, cough and body pain Cold, Cough, High fever and difficulty in breathing None 7. Which is the weapon for fight against COVID 19 Stay at Home By social gathering Use of Guns and bullets None of the above None 8. Is there any vaccine for the novel Corona virus? Yes No Maybe None of the None 9. COVID-19 infected patients can transmit the disease to animals Yes No None 10. The best preventive measure on Corona is? Social distancing Frequently hand washing Stay at home Use of Mask All of the above None 11. W.H.O. (World Health Organization) on 11 February 2020 announced the official name of this disease is--. COVID-19 COVn-19 COnv-20 COVID-20 None 12. By which property corona virus got its name? Due to their crown like projections in structure. Due to their leaf like projections in structure. Due to their surface structure like bricks. None of the above. None 13. Which of the following diseases are related to corona virus? MERS SARS Both A and B Neither A nor B None 14. In which age group the COVID-19 spreads? COVID-19 occur in all age groups. Coronavirus infection is mild in children. Older person and persons with pre-existing medical conditions are at high risk to develop serious illness. All the above are correct, None I pledge that all the timely direction given by Government Authorities and will help to break the chain of COVID 19. Stay Home Stay Safe Thank you for your participation I Pledge None Time's up 2020-05-17 Dr Raghib Deshmukh tweet